Series Sela5 O/W – Orient/Occident

We look from the perspective of the Orient and from the perspective of the Occident. We see the emotions, the truths and the temptations of an urban surrounding. We arrange these views on a simple grid of lines. We see them new and different. We learn something about ourselves.

The series O/W – Orient/Occident contains 6 pictures in the format DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm). The print edition is 10 copies, plus one artist’s copy (AP). Done as „digital print“. The price of a complete series is 500 EUR. For single pictures the price is 100 EUR. Single pictures are limited available only from Edition 10/10. Contact:

Autor: Matthias Ring

*1962. Studierte Freie Kunst an der HfbK in Hamburg, leitete eine Galerie am Hafenrand und arbeitete Anfang der 1990er-Jahre als freier Künstler im Bereich einer „sozial intervenierenden Kunst“. Grafiker IconScreen Ring/Völlmeke GbR..